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Headstart Piano Online
Welcome! (2:19)
Overview (1:53)
Information for Tutors/Supervisors (4:10)
Section 1
Introduction to Section 1 (2:25)
White Note Names (4:53)
Finger Numbers & Middle C (3:21)
Keyboard Layout and Staves (2:46)
Note Values (3:22)
Page Information (3:40)
Recording your Progress
See Saw (7:48)
Pattern Piece: Mary Had a Little Lamb (1:34)
Sea Story (4:23)
Bobbing on the Sea (5:44)
Pattern Piece: Wave 1 (2:05)
Note Reading Blitz (1:01)
Bee (4:20)
Pattern Piece: Mary with a Twinkle (0:54)
Spanish Steps (5:47)
Checklist Section 1 (4:56)
Section 2
Introduction to Section 2 (1:42)
Hiking (4:58)
Hide and Seek (8:55)
Stepping Stones (5:42)
Pattern Piece: Waves 2 (2:38)
Left Right Left (3:41)
Pattern Piece: Left Right (2:24)
Hopscotch (4:06)
Pattern Piece: Old MacDonald had a Farm (1:05)
Checklist Section 2 (3:27)
Section 3
Introduction to Section 3 (1:46)
On Reflection (4:45)
Bingo (5:02)
Note Reading Helps (3:29)
Loch Lomond (8:08)
Pattern Piece: Amazing Grace (1:54)
Water Dripping & C major scale (5:41)
Pattern Piece: There's a Hole in my Bucket (0:55)
Nelson's Song (3:11)
We Three Kings (3:40)
Checklist Section 3 (5:00)
Section 4
Introduction to Section 4 (1:58)
Brother John (2:22)
Copy Cat (4:54)
C-Sick! (4:26)
Walking Round the Zoo (3:47)
Rumble the Elephant (6:11)
Brother John (version 2) (5:29)
Pattern Piece: Dreaming 1 (1:51)
Bagpipes (4:56)
Gran's Clock (3:05)
Pattern Piece: Westminster Chimes (1:50)
Checklist Section 4 (4:01)
Section 5
Introduction to Section 5 (1:36)
Rhino Stomp (3:24)
Distant Drums (4:03)
Pattern Piece: Dreaming 2 (2:13)
Running Round the Zoo (7:03)
Sur le Pont (3:24)
Pattern Piece: Escalator 1 (2:14)
Raindrops (4:05)
Windshield Wipers (6:05)
Section 5 Checklist (3:02)
Section 6
Introduction to Section 6 (1:41)
Echoes (4:00)
A Flat Tyre (3:56)
Pattern Piece: Escalator 2 (1:04)
Looking Sharp (3:32)
#Sharp (1:59)
A Minor Accident (4:37)
Für Elise (3:36)
Seasons (3:51)
Checklist Section 6 (4:33)
Section 7
Introduction to Section 7 (1:29)
Note Reading Blitz (5:44)
Lines and spaces song (1:47)
Flashcards (2:54)
Scales (9:14)
Revision (2:51)
Playing By Ear
Playing by Ear: Differences in pitch (5:24)
Playing by Ear: Steps and Skips (3:52)
Pattern Pieces (2:01)
Tutor Duet parts
Hide and Seek
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